
Update: July 23, 2023 - Volume II Begins

Hello Everyone!

Welcome back to another exhilarating year at Hughes Academy! We can hardly believe that it's that time again when we start our annual project, the much-anticipated Hughes Dispatch.

For those unfamiliar, the Hughes Dispatch is our annual school publication that presents a showcase of the wonderful creativity flowing from our talented Hughes Academy students. Last year's inaugural edition, Volume I, was a remarkable compilation of short stories, riveting poetry, and breathtaking artwork, all representing the diverse range of themes and styles our students poured into their work. From personal experiences to pressing social issues, these pieces of art captivated not just our school community, but also all who ventured into our world through the Dispatch.

But let's be frank – last year, the idea of this project sprung up late in the fall and didn't fully blossom until the spring. We operated within a tighter window than ideal, which certainly added a layer of excitement (and a bit of stress!) to the process. This led to some hasty turnarounds, minor hiccups in production, and a limited timeframe for advertising and selling the book. However, we persevered, and the outcome was incredibly rewarding!

This year, we're learning from the past and getting a head start. As they say, the early bird catches the worm, and we're ready to catch a whole lot of creativity! We will begin accepting your sublime poems, engaging short stories, and captivating artworks from DAY 1 of the school year! And don't worry, you won't have to rush - we'll be accepting submissions throughout the entire first semester.

So, put on your creative hats and let those imaginations run wild. We can't wait to witness the astounding creativity you'll bring to the table this year. The Hughes Dispatch is not just about producing a fantastic collection of student work; it’s about cultivating a creative community, expressing unique perspectives, and inspiring everyone in our community. So go ahead, start crafting those poems and stories, sketching, painting, and sculpting. Our collective masterpiece awaits!

We're beyond excited for what's on the horizon. Thank you all for your passion and dedication to making the Hughes Dispatch an engaging platform for creativity and self-expression. Here's to an even more impressive Volume II!

Stay creative, Hughes Academy!

Patrick Burell & Toni Heyward

Update: April 1, 2023

Greetings, everyone!

We are thrilled to announce that The Hughes Dispatch: Volume I is now complete! We extend our deepest appreciation to all the students who contributed their brilliant works of art and literature to make this project possible. We are now moving into the final stages of production, ensuring that the book is of the highest quality possible. We can hardly wait to share it with our school community, as it showcases the unique perspectives and creative talents of our students. 

The book will be available for purchase at a cost of $10 per copy. You can purchase it on My School Bucks, in Mr. Burell's Room, Room 711, or the Media Center. It's an excellent addition to your personal library, and it also makes a great gift for family and friends. Stay tuned for more information about the book's release date, and we can't wait for you all to get your hands on it. Thank you for your continued support for this exciting project!

Best Regards,

Patrick Burell & Toni Heyward

Update: March 3, 2023

Hey there everyone,

We wanted to express our sincere gratitude to all of you who submitted your poems, short stories, and other literary works for our upcoming book publication. Your creativity and talent blew us away, and we appreciate the time and effort you put into your submissions! We are excited to announce that we have received an overwhelming response and are no longer accepting any more submissions at this time. We have a team of reviewers who are currently reading through each submission with care and consideration.

In the next few weeks, we will be reaching out to those whose works have been selected for publication. If you haven't heard from us by then, please don't worry, as we are still reviewing all the submissions. After the selection process, we will begin the editing and book production phase. Our team will work hard to ensure that the book is of the highest quality and represents the amazing work that you have all contributed. We will keep you posted with updates as we move forward, so stay tuned for more exciting news about the publication!

Thank you once again for your fantastic submissions and your support for our project. We appreciate you all and look forward to sharing this book with our school community!

Best Regards,

Patrick Burell & Toni Heyward